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What happened to ?

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What happened to ? Empty What happened to ?

Post by Necktie Fri Sep 04, 2015 1:43 am

once upon a time, there was a very nice website entitled [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
it's been a while since it's down, a sad story ... but I was wondering if anyone would possible know why such a website that clearly matches the taste of our community would have such a destiny

Although the website is down, but does anyone know any source that shares the content of the website ?


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What happened to ? Empty Re: What happened to ?

Post by muttley Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:20 am

Yes, I liked that too. I recall a few people saying that they thought they hadn't got it quite right, but I thought it was pretty good. Could have done with a better balance of video versus stills, and I quite like dialogue also, but as it was a german site it would have been wasted on me anyway. I guess not enough subscribers in the end.

I've had a look on the wayback machine and there were some snapshots in 2008 but I can't get the pics to display.


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What happened to ? Empty Re: What happened to ?

Post by Michael Bryan Wed Feb 09, 2022 3:51 am

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Michael Bryan
Michael Bryan

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