Shirt and Tie
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How and where do you wear a tie every day?

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How and where do you wear a tie every day? Empty How and where do you wear a tie every day?

Post by cutawaycollar Sat Jul 09, 2022 9:10 am

Hello all gentlemen,
like you I am a tie fetishist and I love to wear it. I am 30 years old but having not attended institutes where I was obliged to wear a uniform and not being able with my studies to find formal professional opportunities, I was unable to express my need every day. For about two years I have changed my choices and accepted jobs other than my passions in order to dress well and now I am about to start a new job in an important law firm where I can be elegant nonstop. Then we can talk about everyday life in the office, but I want to ask you: do you think elegance is more important of doing a job where you can have careers but without being able to wear suit and tie? How do you live this fetishism?

I love this forum, I read a lot but write little, I would like to interact more and get to know you all more, if you want you can also write to me in private, I would talk about tie every second of my life.

Thank you gentlemen.



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How and where do you wear a tie every day? Empty Re: How and where do you wear a tie every day?

Post by SnTMG Fri Jul 15, 2022 5:37 am

I've never had a job where I can dress up everyday. It's something I've always wanted but never really pursued due to better job offers and timing. I almost worked at a car rental company that was located in an airport, so that would of been what I was looking for. I would of started off with cleaning and taking the cars to get washed off location. Since it was at an airport they expected every employee to wear a shirt and tie at minimum, the inside employees who handled customers could wear a suit jacket too.

I just take my opportunities when I can, mainly weddings and such.


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How and where do you wear a tie every day? Empty Re: How and where do you wear a tie every day?

Post by Xerxes Fri Jul 15, 2022 6:50 am

I’m a civil servant in the UK. It’s not the norm to dress smartly in the office, and most men don’t wear tie… but enough to for me to get away with it, just, without seeming too weird.

It helps that I’m just about senior enough to dress more formally than most.

That said, heatwaves are an exception!


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