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Keira Knightley wearing a tuxedo outfit.

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Keira Knightley wearing a tuxedo outfit. Empty Keira Knightley wearing a tuxedo outfit.

Post by High Collar Shirt Guy Sun Feb 18, 2018 2:10 am

Not really my thing the tuxedo (is better than no shirt and tie mind you!), but thought I'd be nice and share.

Just google "keira knightley tuxedo" for loads of photos.

Her collar is too loose and soft for a start! Smile

High Collar Shirt Guy

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Join date : 2017-10-28

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Keira Knightley wearing a tuxedo outfit. Empty Re: Keira Knightley wearing a tuxedo outfit.

Post by Northerner Sun Feb 18, 2018 7:57 am

Yes, I saw that earlier but didn't link it exactly because of the loose collar. And the fact that her "tie" lands somewhere between a necklace and a belt.Smile


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