Shirt and Tie
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In a uniform all day

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In a uniform all day Empty In a uniform all day

Post by SnTMG Fri Jun 15, 2018 5:44 am

There has always been something about a woman wearing a shirt and tie uniform that interested me. Just the thought that they wake up and put on a uniform that they have to wear all day without letting their standards fall.

My favorite are banquet servers, crisp white tuxedo shirt, black skirt, black nylons, black shoes, black vest, black bowtie/necktie. A full shift while fully dressed, always feeling the tie under their neck.


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Join date : 2017-10-22

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In a uniform all day Empty Re: In a uniform all day

Post by High Collar Shirt Guy Sun Jun 17, 2018 6:39 am

I suppose it could be broken down into two basic categories of women who wear a properly worn strict shirt and tie all day.

(1) There is the 'rare woman' who chooses to do so, and it is their own fashion choice or is quite happy and enjoys wearing a shirt and tie uniform.

(2) Then there is the 'majority common woman' who dislike wearing the shirt and tie and are only doing so because they have to, and there is little choice.

Now I much prefer (1) myself. But there is something about (2) that is also a turn on. The thought that a woman has a stiff collar and snugly knotted necktie high up her neck and close to her chin but hates it, and is not liking it. That is quite appealing to me also.

Last edited by High Collar Shirt Guy on Sun Jun 17, 2018 6:40 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : update)

High Collar Shirt Guy

Posts : 155
Join date : 2017-10-28

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