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My ex-girlfriend Lenny wearing shirt & tie 22-23 years ago

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My ex-girlfriend Lenny wearing shirt & tie 22-23 years ago Empty My ex-girlfriend Lenny wearing shirt & tie 22-23 years ago

Post by High Collar Shirt Guy Tue Sep 22, 2020 2:38 am

This seems a bit of a long shot, but will give it a go anyway. About 22-23 years ago I used to regularly post photos of my at that time lovely girlfriend Lenny wearing a formal shirt and tie. In many of them she was tied up tightly at ankles and hands behind back. She was amazing! I have often wished I could see these again as no longer have the photos, to reminisce.

I used to post the photos of her wearing a blue shirt and a white shirt on what was our go to forum at that time, the old Women_In_Shirt_And_Tie yahoo group (or similarly named). She had dark brown long hair, was about 19yrs old, the images would have all had "lenny" in the filename.

If anyone can help me revisit this fantastic moment in my life I will be eternally grateful!

On another note, that was a good time (a long time ago I know), and it would be great if there was some sort of archive created for all the photos from that era (there weren't many videos) given the bandwidth and Internet modem technology back then, so wouldn't need much disk storage space either. There is not likely to be much Shirt & Tie wearing activity over the next year with the Covid life, is a good time to revisit the past?

High Collar Shirt Guy

Posts : 155
Join date : 2017-10-29

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My ex-girlfriend Lenny wearing shirt & tie 22-23 years ago Empty Re: My ex-girlfriend Lenny wearing shirt & tie 22-23 years ago

Post by Necktie Sat Jan 09, 2021 5:45 pm

Do you know, roughly, when and where you shared the photos? There are some web archives where you can search for snapshots of web at given time on given website.


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Join date : 2011-07-27
Age : 39

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My ex-girlfriend Lenny wearing shirt & tie 22-23 years ago Empty Re: My ex-girlfriend Lenny wearing shirt & tie 22-23 years ago

Post by jeffpublic Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:12 am

Hi! I remember these photos... Really nice.

Too bad I deleted the wrong Zip-files a long time ago and I lost these photos...


Posts : 26
Join date : 2010-12-16

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