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What happened to 'Ladies In Vests (waistcoat) blog?

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What happened to 'Ladies In Vests (waistcoat) blog? Empty What happened to 'Ladies In Vests (waistcoat) blog?

Post by Luke Smith Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:29 pm

A few years back in my teens I use to watch images of celebs or women in waistcoat blog but then the site got taken down. However, I found it on some site called wordpress or something but recently I've been scanning the web to find it and have no success. Could anyone drop the link to it if it still exists or point me to direct or find a similar forum/blog so that I can join please. Very Happy

Luke Smith

Posts : 7
Join date : 2021-02-01
Age : 30

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What happened to 'Ladies In Vests (waistcoat) blog? Empty Re: What happened to 'Ladies In Vests (waistcoat) blog?

Post by tanadata Fri Apr 02, 2021 8:45 pm

Luke Smith wrote:A few years back in my teens I use to watch images of celebs or women in waistcoat blog but then the site got taken down. However, I found it on some site called wordpress or something but recently I've been scanning the web to find it and have no success. Could anyone drop the link to it if it still exists or point me to direct or find a similar forum/blog so that I can join please. Very Happy
I believe the owner also runs this site: I think they used to link to each other, but I don't see it now, so I guess it no longer exists.


Posts : 22
Join date : 2014-04-19

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What happened to 'Ladies In Vests (waistcoat) blog? Empty Re: What happened to 'Ladies In Vests (waistcoat) blog?

Post by Luke Smith Sun Nov 07, 2021 5:41 am

tanadata wrote:
Luke Smith wrote:A few years back in my teens I use to watch images of celebs or women in waistcoat blog but then the site got taken down. However, I found it on some site called wordpress or something but recently I've been scanning the web to find it and have no success. Could anyone drop the link to it if it still exists or point me to direct or find a similar forum/blog so that I can join please. Very Happy
I believe the owner also runs this site: I think they used to link to each other, but I don't see it now, so I guess it no longer exists.
Thanks for letting me know. Much appreciated  What happened to 'Ladies In Vests (waistcoat) blog? 1f600  What happened to 'Ladies In Vests (waistcoat) blog? 1f44d

Luke Smith

Posts : 7
Join date : 2021-02-01
Age : 30

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What happened to 'Ladies In Vests (waistcoat) blog? Empty Re: What happened to 'Ladies In Vests (waistcoat) blog?

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