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Alice Bellagamba and Emanuela Di Crosta - Talent High School sitcom

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Alice Bellagamba and Emanuela Di Crosta - Talent High School sitcom Empty Alice Bellagamba and Emanuela Di Crosta - Talent High School sitcom

Post by jropika Thu May 13, 2021 10:44 am

Propably these images are from the "Talent High School - Il sogno di Sofia" - 2012 Italian sitcom. 
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the scene. If anyone finds it, please link or write it. Smile

Alice Bellagamba and Emanuela Di Crosta - Talent High School sitcom Talent10
Alice Bellagamba and Emanuela Di Crosta - Talent High School sitcom Talent11
Alice Bellagamba and Emanuela Di Crosta - Talent High School sitcom Talent12


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Alice Bellagamba and Emanuela Di Crosta - Talent High School sitcom Empty Re: Alice Bellagamba and Emanuela Di Crosta - Talent High School sitcom

Post by jropika Sat Oct 02, 2021 2:55 am

I don't know why i didn't find this last time. There is a scene in the promo video of the series where they wear the tailcoat. Unfortunately, it is a very short scene. I think it could be the scene in the first season very first episode, but the episodes I found aren’t complete either, so that’s not certain. Please if anyone finds this episode link to it here. Smile

0:45 - 0:48

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Alice Bellagamba and Emanuela Di Crosta - Talent High School sitcom Alice_10


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Alice Bellagamba and Emanuela Di Crosta - Talent High School sitcom Empty Re: Alice Bellagamba and Emanuela Di Crosta - Talent High School sitcom

Post by jropika Tue Oct 05, 2021 7:31 am

I found another video showing a tailcoat scene for a few seconds in good quality. This scene is in the 14th episode of the first season (Campagna elettorale). Of course on youtube is missing the end of episode 14...
If anyone finds this episode please share it with me.^^


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Alice Bellagamba and Emanuela Di Crosta - Talent High School sitcom Alice_11
Alice Bellagamba and Emanuela Di Crosta - Talent High School sitcom Alice_12


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