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The Amazons - 1917 - Marguerite Clark

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The Amazons - 1917 - Marguerite Clark Empty The Amazons - 1917 - Marguerite Clark

Post by jropika Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:23 am

"The Amazons is a 1917 American silent comedy film directed by Joseph Kaufmann and starred Marguerite Clark. The film is now presumed lost." - Wikipedia.

The Amazons - 1917 - Marguerite Clark Margue10The Amazons - 1917 - Marguerite Clark The_am12The Amazons - 1917 - Marguerite Clark The_am10The Amazons - 1917 - Marguerite Clark Margue13
The Amazons - 1917 - Marguerite Clark Margue12
The Amazons - 1917 - Marguerite Clark Amazon10


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