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Left in the edit room

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Left in the edit room Empty Left in the edit room

Post by Northerner Tue Oct 19, 2021 7:47 am

Occasionally you come across screenshots from movies that are nowhere to be seen in the finished film, and sometimes it's kind of interesting stuff. Less these days, of course, but back in the nineties it was standard practice to use promotional materials selected before the final cut was done. Off the top of my head I can recall two instances of this - first off, it appears at some point during the production of "Tango & Cash" Teri Hatcher's character was a cocktail waitress instead of a performer as proven by this image, which I first saw on the back of either the rental box or the soundtrack album (or maybe both, can't recall):
Left in the edit room Teri_h10

And secondly, it seems there's a deleted scene in "Men Don't Leave" showing Jessica Lange in a catering uniform at some party. Pretty sure one of these was an actual lobby card, and the one in color was definitely on the rental box. As you can see from the layout, the black and white one was on the soundtrack CD inlay:
Left in the edit room Jessic10
Left in the edit room Book-m10

While it's a shame they didn't make it to the silver screen, the images at least allow us to see the actresses in those outfits. Do you remember any other examples of this?

(I'll probably make another post about misleading XXX covers, which more often than not shows a performer wearing something you'd wish was in the movie but wasn't. I suppose that'll be ok since those photos are usually not x-rated in themselves.)


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Left in the edit room Empty Re: Left in the edit room

Post by Northerner Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:11 am

Bit belated but I just discovered I forgot to link to the trailer for "Men Don't Leave" - Ms Lange wears that outfit for a couple of seconds at around 1:50, so those scenes must have been taken out pretty late in the production...


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Join date : 2011-01-11

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