Shirt and Tie
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Pretty Little Liars - Lindsey Shaw

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Pretty Little Liars - Lindsey Shaw Empty Pretty Little Liars - Lindsey Shaw

Post by Northerner Sat Nov 06, 2021 8:37 am

Here are some promo pics for episode 5x13, "How the 'A' Stole Christmas", showing Ms. Shaw in what might be one of the best date outfits I've seen on a woman - a nice white tux with black lapels, shirt and bow tie. The black trouser stripes and pocket linings are wonderful details, and the feminine necklace plus a pocketchief matching her girlfriend's dress add a neat final touch. Maybe the tie is just a little oversized, but I think it works with this.
I've already shown her wearing top hat and tails in another episode here
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but I think this outfit is even better. Judge for yourselves:

Pretty Little Liars - Lindsey Shaw XDZiZ0l
Pretty Little Liars - Lindsey Shaw HtcZbgQ
Pretty Little Liars - Lindsey Shaw LSXnT6r
Pretty Little Liars - Lindsey Shaw Pw7KVso
Pretty Little Liars - Lindsey Shaw IegOVR9

In the actual episode she's sadly woefully underused, with hardly any nice shots and a grand total of one minute screentime. Nevertheless, here's a couple of captures:
Pretty Little Liars - Lindsey Shaw XLuuqjK
Pretty Little Liars - Lindsey Shaw PlpXCve


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Join date : 2011-01-11

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