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Here's Lucy - Lucie Arnaz

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Here's Lucy - Lucie Arnaz Empty Here's Lucy - Lucie Arnaz

Post by Northerner Tue Feb 22, 2022 1:04 pm

Lucie (LucY's real-life daughter, not the eponymous star of the show) wore a very seventies suit in Episode 5x9:

Guest star Jim Bailey wears a matching male version, and they ditch the jackets and ties for a closing duet. I just read that Lucie designed the outfits herself, if that adds something. Smile


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Here's Lucy - Lucie Arnaz Empty Re: Here's Lucy - Lucie Arnaz

Post by Northerner Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:56 am

Oops, seems like they got hit with a takedown order or something. Made some screen grabs instead if you wanna see what it was about:
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Here's Lucy - Lucie Arnaz 8lTSWjX


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