Shirt and Tie
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Mopsy Empty Mopsy

Post by Northerner Thu Oct 20, 2022 5:50 pm

Way back when, a female cartoonist named Gladys Parker drew a strip about a feisty young lady called 'Mopsy'. Thing is, in the late 1940's bow ties were in fashion for women and so Mopsy quite often wore them (usually combined with more feminine attire, though). Here are a few examples:

Mopsy 5
Mopsy 7
Mopsy 18
Mopsy 28

Other characters wore them too, like here:

Mopsy 33

They even featured on the paper doll pages:

Mopsy 11
Mopsy 14

Naturally there were regular ties too, but not as frequently and usually as part of some uniform:

Mopsy 19
Mopsy 13

Now pardon me, I have to go look for some fashion pics from those times! At formal events (which are what we usually find photos from), dresses and gowns were the norm, of course. Razz


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Join date : 2011-01-11

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Mopsy Empty Re: Mopsy

Post by auroki Fri Oct 21, 2022 1:48 pm

Quite the classy lass.


Posts : 41
Join date : 2022-04-05

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