Ideal Look
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Ideal Look
My ideal look of a woman wearing a tie is a woman in a three piece black suit (skirt or pants), a nice pair of black heals, a white shirt was a nice snug collar, and solid red necktie. The suit jacket would be unbuttoned, but the vest would be fully buttoned and the bottom of the tie would be peaking out a tiny bit from the vest. What is your ideal look?
yellowjacket- Posts : 6
Join date : 2014-11-25
Re: Ideal Look
Probably the same as yours! But I would not let my ideal lady be in pants. She should be wearing a high waisted pencil skirt with back-seamed stockings with garters. Of course I like other looks like 3-piece tweed skirt suits with white shirt, tie and boots, but the one you mentioned is almost my favourite too!
Re: Ideal Look
My ideal woman wearing a tie would be a black three piece skirt suit with maybe a blue or red necktie tied in a full Windsor Knot closed all the way to the top (including the top button) and an unbuttoned suit jacket.
MatthewJames7- Posts : 640
Join date : 2016-08-09
Age : 26
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