Shirt and Tie
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MsNecktie old photos archive on Flickr

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MsNecktie old photos archive on Flickr  Empty MsNecktie old photos archive on Flickr

Post by koenh Thu Sep 20, 2018 2:51 am

As said earlier (see previous topic) Lotte/MsNecktie’s recent return led to the MsNecktie Exclusive group on Flickr (admission $30 annual minimum, PayPal [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], mention Flickr name with payment and wait for invite) where all money is used to buy a tailored skirt suit and after that, new custom shirts for the Tie Queen.
A new development is an archive side group, where every contributor also gets access to. 
Remember MsNecktie’s legendary Yahoo group? She ended it 10 years ago. We all thought these pics went down too. Lotte herself thought so too after het computer crashed not long after. But someone out there, now a Flickr group member, incredibly, had saved everything. And as of today 275 old pics are up. Beautieful. 
$30 is like dinner for one in a cheap restaurant. Or have access to MsNecktie - old and brand new. Don’t say this is too much. Way back, Lotte only gave, and never once asked. 

As an aside I have now deleted the long dormant women-in-shirtntie group, which I started in 1999 and still had 1881 members. The only ones posting recently were me and two spammers. The group in its heyday was a blast and had a little core community. Bye group (and its sister video group).

All I am saying is: the action is at MsNecktie Exclusive on Flickr. But yeah you’re expected to give something, a $30 contribution. 
I guess at least 90% of any pic based internet community are freeloaders, but I aim at the estimated 10% who can give a little back. 
See you there. If having trouble with PayPal, mail me, same address. This will not disappoint.


Posts : 34
Join date : 2011-09-20

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