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How the character of Robin Scherbatsky Jr. should have been developed

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How the character of Robin Scherbatsky Jr. should have been developed Empty How the character of Robin Scherbatsky Jr. should have been developed

Post by ajl378492 Sat Jan 22, 2022 4:47 pm

This is how I feel the character of Robin Scherbatsky Jr. (from How I Met Your Mother) should have been developed:

- I feel she should have maintained her tomboy persona into her adult life in order to impress her father, while at the same 
  time dating boys.  She manages to persuade her father to accept her having a boyfriend by emphasizing the fact that    
  since he treated her like a boy, then dating is part of being one of the guys.  She does wind up having long wavy hair.  
  She is also into Scotch and cigars, just like her father.
- Since actress Jennifer Rubin (born 1962) resembles Cobie Smulders, I think she should have been cast as Robin's mother 
  instead of Tracey Ullman. 
- Instead of deciding to become a teen pop star and journalist, Robin Scherbatsky Jr. gets her M.B.A. and helps run her 
  father's business.  Eventually, she is given the task of running a branch in New York City, where she meets Ted and the 
  rest of the gang.
- She also suits up more often, wearing a pantsuit and necktie at least once in every episode.  In fact, while planning for her
  wedding, she can't decide to wear a black tuxedo or a white tuxedo.
- Perhaps she could also be a hermaphrodite (which could also be another reason why her father treated her like a boy, 
  instead of just wanting a son), although that might be going too far.


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Join date : 2014-06-05

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