Shirt and Tie
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Hey, open the link - help this lady wear tie! or - a lot of pics!

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Hey, open the link - help this lady wear tie! or - a lot of pics! Empty Hey, open the link - help this lady wear tie! or - a lot of pics!

Post by rumruma Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:58 am

A lot of pictures.

Quote from the "about" section:
I'm a female. I think the androgenous look on women is the sexiest. Welcome to my attempt to convince my mother (and the world) that I should get a tie.

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Posts : 34
Join date : 2010-12-26

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Hey, open the link - help this lady wear tie! or - a lot of pics! Empty Re: Hey, open the link - help this lady wear tie! or - a lot of pics!

Post by Xerxes Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:15 pm

Wow! That's so fantastic!!!


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Hey, open the link - help this lady wear tie! or - a lot of pics! Empty Re: Hey, open the link - help this lady wear tie! or - a lot of pics!

Post by kingtut Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:59 pm

For the love of God people do not creep on her.


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Hey, open the link - help this lady wear tie! or - a lot of pics! Empty Re: Hey, open the link - help this lady wear tie! or - a lot of pics!

Post by High Collar Shirt Guy Sun Aug 14, 2022 10:39 pm

kingtut wrote:For the love of God people do not creep on her.

Stumbled across this old post, just looks like another not uncommon case of a man pretending to be a woman.

See nothing to suggest anything other than this was incredibly probable and likely a man posting as a woman, the flags are there.

That is the harsh reality of a niche fetish focused on the female gender, but with actual little genuine female interest.

High Collar Shirt Guy

Posts : 155
Join date : 2017-10-28

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Hey, open the link - help this lady wear tie! or - a lot of pics! Empty Re: Hey, open the link - help this lady wear tie! or - a lot of pics!

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